Angela Maria Gomez Fonseca

visiting PhD student

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the National University of Colombia. During my Master´s program at the University of Friburg (Switzerland) I became interested in sleep-dependent memory consolidation and targeted cueing. As part of my Doctoral program at the University of los Andes, in Colombia, I completed a secondment at the Genzel lab, during which I had the opportunity to learn new behavioral and in-vivo electrophysiological techniques to examine declarative memory in rodents. This experience fueled my interest in sleep as a multidimensional process, reminded me how wonderful it is to work with animals and encouraged me to stay motivated to obtain my Ph.D. degree, which I did with a study on the effects of stress in sleep and their relationship with slow frequency electrical stimulation.

Publications from the lab:

A Alonso, L Genzel, A Gomez (2021) “Sex and Menstrual Phase Influences on Sleep and MemoryCurrent Sleep Medicine Reports, 1-14

Fonseca Gomez A, Genzel L (2020) Sleep and academic performance: considering amount, quality and timing Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 33, 65-71

Genzel L, Schut E, Schroeder T, Eichler R, Khamassi M, Gomez A, Navarro Lobato I, Battaglia F (2019) The Object Space Task for mice and rats (bioRxiv, 198382 2017) Plos Biology