Radboud Lab:


Schroeder T, van der Meij J, Heumen P, Samanta A, Genzel L The TD drive - A parametric, open-source implant for multi-area electrophysiological recordings in behaving and sleeping rats JOVE in review, BioRxiv


A Rayan, AB Szabo, L Genzel (2023) The pros and cons of using automated sleep scoring in sleep research: Comparative analysis of automated sleep scoring in human and rodents: advantages and limitations Sleep,

I Navarro-Lobato, A Aleman-Zapata, A Samanta, Mi Bogers, S Narayanan, A Rayan, A Alonso, J van der Meij, M Khamassi, Z Khan, L Genzel, (2023) Learning Fast and Slow: Increased cortical plasticity leads to memory interference and enhanced hippocampal-cortical interactions Elife (bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.21.517356)

Alonso, A., Samanta, A., van der Meij, J., van den Brand, L., Negwer, M., Navarro Lobato, I., & Genzel, L. (2023). Defensive and offensive behaviours in a Kleefstra syndrome mouse model. Animal Cognition. doi:10.1007/s10071-023-01757-2

Rayan, A., Agarwal, A., Samanta, A., Severijnen, E., van der Meij, J., & Genzel, L. Sleep scoring in rodents: Criteria, automatic approaches and outstanding issues. European Journal of Neuroscience, n/a(n/a). doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15884

Samanta, A., Aleman-Zapata, A., Agarwal, K., Özsezer, P., Alonso, A., van der Meij, J., Rayan, A., Navarro-Lobato, I., & Genzel, L. (2023). CBD lengthens sleep, shortens ripples and leads to intact simple but worse cumulative memory. iScience bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/2023.02.28.530388


Aleman Zapata A, Morris RGM, Genzel L (2022) Sleep deprivation and hippocampal ripple disruption after one-session learning eliminate memory expression the next day PNAS 119, 44 bioRxiv 2020, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/765149

Bastian L, Samanta A, Ribeiro de Paula D, Weber F, Schoenfeld R, Dresler M, and Genzel L (2022) Spindle - slow oscillation coupling correlates with memory performance and connectivity changes in a hippocampal network after sleep Human Brain Mapping bioRxiv 2021

Aleman-Zapata A, van der Meij J, and Genzel L (2022) Disrupting ripples: methods, results and caveats in closed-loop approaches in rodents J Sleep Research


Homberg ……. and Genzel (2021) The continued need for animals to advance brain research Neuron 109, 15

Vallianatou, C.-A., A. Alonso, A. Aleman, L. Genzel and F. Stella (2021). "Schema-induced shifts in mice navigational strategies are unveiled by a minimal behavioral model of spatial exploration." eNeuro (bioRxiv: 2020.2012.2021.423808).

Alonso A, Bokeria L, van der Meij J, Samanta A, Eichler R, Spooner P, Navarro Lobato I, Genzel L (2021) The HexMaze: A previous knowledge and schema task for mice eNeuro (bioRxiv 441048)

Samanta, A., L. S. van Rongen, J. I. Rossato, J. Jacobse, R. Schoenfeld and L. Genzel (2021). "Sleep leads to brain-wide neural changes independent of allo- and egocentric spatial training in humans and rats." Cerebral Cortex https://doi.org/10.1093/cercor/bhab135 (bioRxiv: 2020.2012.2019.423580).

Bevandić J, Genzel L, Ólafsdóttir HF (2021) “Shining a light on hippocampal remappingNeuron 109 (6), 913-915

A Alonso, L Genzel, A Gomez (2021) “Sex and Menstrual Phase Influences on Sleep and MemoryCurrent Sleep Medicine Reports, 1-14

Genzel, L. (2021). "How to Control Behavioral Studies for Rodents—Don’t Project Human Thoughts onto Them." eneuro 8(1): ENEURO.0456-0420.2021.


Alonso A., van der Meij J., Tse D. & Genzel L. (2020) Naïve to expert: Considering the role of previous knowledge in memory Brain and Neuroscience Advances https://doi.org/10.1177/2398212820948686

Genzel, L. Adan, R. et al (2020) How the COVID-19 pandemic highlights the necessity of animal research Current Biology DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.08.030

Genzel, L., Dragoi, G., Frank, L., Ganguly, K., Prida, L. d. l., Pfeiffer, B., & Robertson, E. (2020). A consensus statement: defining terms for reactivation analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1799), 20200001. doi:doi:10.1098/rstb.2020.0001

Robertson, E. M., & Genzel, L. (2020). Memories replayed: reactivating past successes and new dilemmas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375(1799), 20190226. doi:doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0226

Navarro-Lobato, I. and L. Genzel (2020). Anterior to Posterior Whole-Brain Gradient for Different Types of Memories? Trends in Neurosciences Volume 43, ISSUE 7, P451-453 DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tins.2020.04.011

Genzel, L. (2020). Memory and sleep: brain networks, cell dynamics and global states. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 32, 72-79. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cobeha.2020.02.003

Fonseca AG, Genzel L (2020) Sleep and academic performance: considering amount, quality and timing Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 33, 65-71

Samanta A, Alonso A, Genzel L (2020) Memory reactivations and consolidation: considering neuromodulators across wake and sleep Current Opinion in Physiology 15, 120-7

Schut, Alonso, Smits, Khamassi, Samanta, Negwer, Kasri, Navarro Lobato, Genzel (2020) The Object Space Task reveals a dissociation between semantic-like and simple memory in a mouse model of Kleefstra Syndrome bioRxiv, 781054 Neurobiol Learn Mem. 173, 107265 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2020.107265


Genzel L, Schut E, Schroeder T, Eichler R,… (2019) The Object Space Task for mice and rats (bioRxiv, 198382 2017) Plos Biology https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000322

Navarro-Lobato I, Genzel L. (2019) The up and down of sleep: from molecules to electrophysiology. Neurobiol Learn Mem. S1074-7427(18)30067-4. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2018.03.013

Duszkiewicz AJ, McNamara CG, Takeuchi T, Genzel L. (2019) Novelty and Dopaminergic Modulation of Memory Persistence: A Tale of Two Systems. Trends Neurosci.42(2):102-114. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2018.10.002. Epub 2018 Nov 16.


Müller N, Campbell S, Nonaka M, Rost TM, Pipa G, Konrad BN, Steiger A, Czisch M, Fernández G, Dresler M, Genzel L (2018) 2D:4D and spatial abilities: From rats to humans Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 151:85-87


Genzel L, Rossato J, Jacobse J, Grieves R, Spooner P, Battaglia F, Fernandez G, Morris RGM (2017) The ying and yang of consolidation: hippocampal and cortical  PLoS Biol. 15: e2000531

Genzel L, Konrad BN, Spoormaker V, Dresler M (2015) The role of rapid eye movement sleep for amygdala-related memory processing. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 122:110-21

Genzel L, Robertson EM (2015) To replay, perchance to consolidate?. PLoS Biol. 13(10)

Genzel L, Dresler M, Cornu M, Jäger E, Konrad B, Adamczyk M, Friess E, Steiger A, Czisch M, Goya-Maldonado R, (2015) Medial prefrontal-hippocampal connectivity and motor memory consolidation in depression and schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry; 77(2):177-86

Genzel L, Bäurle A, Potyka A, Wehrle R, Adamczyk M, Friess E, Steiger A, Dresler M, (2014) Diminished nap effects on memory consolidation are seen under oral contraceptive use. Neuropsychobiology 70(4):253-261

Genzel L, Kroes MC, Dresler M, Battaglia FP. (2014) Light sleep versus slow wave sleep in memory consolidation: a question of global versus local processes? Trends Neurosci.; 37(1):10-9

Genzel L, Ahrberg K, Roselli C, Niedermaier S, Steiger A, Dresler M, Roenneberg T. (2013) Sleep timing is more important than sleep length or quality for medical school performance. Chronobiology International; 30(6):766-71.

Genzel L, Quack A, Jäger E, Konrad B, Steiger A, Dresler M.(2012) Complex motor sequence skills profit from sleep. Neuropsychobiology;66(4):237-43.

Ahrberg K, Dresler M, Niedermaier S, Steiger A, Genzel L. (2012) The interaction between sleep quality and academic performance.Journal of Psychiatric Research;46(12):1618-22.

Genzel L, Dresler M. (2012) Sleep - more local and complex than previously thought? Frontiers Neurology 4;3:89.

Genzel L, Kiefer T, Renner L, Wehrle R, Kluge M, Grözinger M, Steiger A, Dresler M. (2012) Sex and modulatory menstrual cycle effects on sleep related memory consolidation. PNEC; 37(7):987-98.

Dresler M, Kluge M, Pawlowski M, Schüssler P, Steiger A, Genzel L. (2011) A double dissociation of memory impairments in major depression. Journal of Psychiatric Research; 45(12):1593-9.

Genzel L, Ali E, Dresler M, Steiger A, Tesfaye M. (2011) Sleep-dependent memory consolidation of a new task is inhibited in psychiatric patients. Journal of Psychiatric Research;45(4):555-60.

Genzel L, Dresler M, Wehrle R, Grözinger M, Steiger A. (2009) Slow wave sleep and REM sleep awakenings do not affect sleep dependent memory consolidation. Sleep; 32(3):302-10.



Picard-Deland, C., Bernardi, G., Genzel, L., Dresler, M., & Schoch, S. F. (2023). Memory reactivations during sleep: a neural basis of dream experiences? Trends Cogn Sci, 27(6), 568-582. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2023.02.006

Duszkiewicz, A. J., Rossato, J. I., Moreno, A., Takeuchi, T., Yamasaki, M., Genzel, L., Spooner, P., Canals, S., & Morris, R. G. M. (2023). Execution of new trajectories toward a stable goal without a functional hippocampus. Hippocampus, 33(6), 769-786. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/hipo.23497

Bódizs, R., Horváth, C. G., Szalárdy, O., Ujma, P. P., Simor, P., Gombos, F., . . . Genzel, L., Dresler, M. (2021) Sleep-spindle frequency: Overnight dynamics, afternoon nap effects, and possible circadian modulation. Journal of Sleep Research, n/a(n/a), e13514. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.13514

Rossato JI, Moreno A, Genzel L, Yamasaki M, Takeuchi T, Canals S, Morris RGM. (2018) Silent Learning. Curr Biol.;28(21):3508-3515.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2018.09.012. Epub 2018 Oct 25.

Ujma PP, Konrad BN, Gombos F, Simor P, Pótári A, Genzel L, Pawlowski M, Steiger A, Bódizs R, Dresler M (2017) The sleep EEG spectrum is a sexually dimorphic marker of general intelligence. Sci Rep. Dec 22;7(1):18070. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-18124-0.

Pótári A, Ujma PP, Konrad BN, Genzel L, Simor P, Körmendi J, Gombos F, Steiger A, Dresler M, Bódizs R. (2017) Age-related changes in sleep EEG are attenuated in highly intelligent individuals. Neuroimage.146:554-560.

Müller NC, Genzel L, Konrad BN, Pawlowski M, Neville D, Fernández G, Steiger A, Dresler M. (2016) Motor skills enhance procedural memory formation and protect against age-related decline. PLoS One.; 11(6): e0157770.

Adamczyk M, Genzel L, Dresler M, Steiger A, Friess E (2015) Automatic sleep spindle detection and heritability estimation using continuous wavelet transform Frontiers in Human Neuroscience  19;9:624. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00624

Ujma PP, Bódizs R, Gombos F, Stintzing J, Konrad BN, Genzel L, Steiger A, Dresler M.(2015) Nap sleep spindle correlates of intelligence. Sci Rep. 26;5:17159. doi: 10.1038/srep17159

Squire LR, Genzel L, Wixted JT, Morris RG (2015) Memory Consolidation. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 3;7(8)

Ujma P, Gombos F, Genzel L, Konrad BK, Simor P, Steiger A, Dresler M, Bodizs R.(2015) A comparison of two sleep spindle detection methods based on all night averages: individually adjusted versus fixed frequencies Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17;9:5

van Buuren M, Kroes MC, Wagner IC, Genzel L, Morris RG, Fernández G. (2014) Initial investigation of the effects of an experimentally learned schema on spatial associative memory in humans. J Neurosci.; 34(50):16662-70.

Ujma PP, Konrad BN, Genzel L, Bleifuss A, Simor P, Pótári A, Körmendi J, Gombos F, Steiger A, Bódizs R, Dresler M. (2014) Sleep spindles and intelligence: evidence for a sexual dimorphism. J Neurosci.; 34(49):16358-68

Cordi M, Ackermanna S, Hartmann F, Konrad BN, Genzel L, Pawlowski M, Steiger A, Papassotiropoulos A, de Quervain DJF, Rasch B, Dresler M, (2014) On lunar cycle effects on sleep and the file drawer problem Current Biology; 24(12) R549-50

Dresler M, Kluge M, Genzel L, Schüssler P, Steiger A.. (2010) Nocturnal administration of ghrelin does not promote memory consolidation. Pharmacopsychiatry;43(7):277-8.

Dresler M, Genzel L, Kluge M, Schüssler P, Weber F, Rosenhagen M, Steiger A.. (2010) Off-line memory consolidation impairments in multiple sclerosis patients receiving high-dose corticosteroid treatment mirror consolidation impairments in depression. PNEC; 35(8):1194-202.

Dresler M, Kluge M, Genzel L, Schüssler P, Steiger A. (2010) Impaired off-line memory consolidation in depression. European Neuropsychopharmacology; 20(8):553-61.

Kluge M, Gazea M, Schüssler P, Genzel L, Dresler M, Kleyer S, Uhr M, Yassouridis A, Steiger A. (2010) Ghrelin increases slow wave sleep and stage 2 sleep and decreases stage 1 sleep and REM sleep in elderly men but does not affect sleep in elderly women. PNEC.;35(2):297-304.